- Community life
- Work
- Respect
- High moral standards
- Love for the environment
- Kindness
- Empathy, altruism, caring for others
- Education for peace
- Self/expression
- Initiative
- Creativity
- Social life - production : Domestic life responsibilities, community work, production and exchange, cultivation of the land, animal husbandry
- Self Expression & Moral Education : arts, language, mathematics
- Sciences (botany, zoology, anatomy, ecology, physics, chemistry, mecanics...), human sciences, (history, archeology, anthropology, philosophy, linguistics, sociology, psychology, economy), technical work
to contribute to peace
- Development of the social personality and economic independence
- Development of autonomy and the engagement in work, allowing for the involvement in choices (moral education)
- Cultivating positive human values and daily skills: harmonious relationships, ecological conscienceness, mutual aid, collaboration and altruism
french BAC GÉNÉRAL ?
yes !
The Montessori Centre for Study and Work is a private school connected with the Académie de Lyon. The adolescents take the Brevet des Collèges and the general baccalaureate like other secondary students. They are considered ordinary candidates, not free candidates, known as "candidats libres".
The montessori pedagogy for adolescence
Adolescence is an age where strong questions arise concerning identity. It is an essential time where the phase of childhood in the family is left in order to traverse a period of physical and psychological metamorphosis from which the adolescent emerges as a young adult. The adolescent needs the freedom for his potential to flourish in this new phase of life. This necessity is why he naturally looks in his environment the needed resources from which he will be able to develop his social and economic independence.
During the period of adolescence , the personality is reinforced by cooperation and by engaging in responsibilities that have a useful objective in the service of the community of peers. During this time of growth in the individual's life, self-expression becomes central. Creativity and communication are the heart of the adolescent's life. Being free to express oneself and to create within one's environment, he can develop his self-confidence and his natural interest for culture.
The Montessori Pedagogy offers the adolescent an environment in which one can alternate between work and study through concrete experimentation of key cultural concepts. Daily activity includes practical life in link with domestic life as well as the upkeep and the improvement of the work environment. In these tasks, the adolescent experiences how to divide work and how complementary everyone's contribution can be. These undertakings naturally respond to his interest in challenges. Additionally, they help him in the development of the will and of morality through a direct feedback from his work.
Their activities are structured by the Plan of Study and Work - the work on a subject related to the history of humanity that leads to presentations of key cultural concepts, reading, practical work, research and presentations by the adolescents.
The concrete and abstract aspects of the culture are naturally associated in human activity, giving the adolescent the opportunity to experience this through his work. Through free work in the prepared environment of the community, the adolescent is able to completely engage in prolonged activity and to develop the ability to organise work while cooperating with his peers. The totality of his work is aimed at fulfilling his entire potential physical, psychic, social and moral. On the basis of this fulfilment, the adolescent's interest in culture, his independence, his initiative and the meaning of his contribution in society as a future adult is reinforced.
URBANISATION : Les villes et l'eau
Villes et eaux
Par la terre (la roue : histoire), les airs (Icare : mythologie grecque) & l'eau (Archimède : densité de la matière, masse, volume, masse volumique, démarche d'investigation ; fractions)
l'eau potable
Filtration de l'eau (naturelle, artificielle et chimique)
L'eau et le vivant, composition de l'eau
Les aqueducs : histoire, technique (niveau – construction d'une maquette de chorobate, instrument antique permettant la construction d'édifices ayant une pente faible pour limiter l'érosion des tuyaux en matières minérales), mathématiques (degré d'inclinaison d'une pente : graphiques)
mathématiques utilisées dans les réalisations pratiques et travaillées en séminaires :
Pythagore, fractions, graphiques, carrés-racines
James Baldwin, Le Roi et son faucon
Azouz Begag, Le Gone du Chaâba
Flaubert, Salammbô
L'histoire des Gratte-Ciel de Villeurbanne : réalisation d'une utopie dans les années 1930 (visite guidée et commentée du site : « Enquête aux Gratte-Ciel »)
Techniques et artisanat
Le chorobate
Des villes aux premiers habitats : la construction des murs en pierres sèches dans les Monts d'Or
Les fresques murales de la préhistoire au XXIe siècle
La gravitation et l'attraction terrestre
La poussée d'Archimède
La densité des matières (volume, masse, masse volumique)
Les vases communiquants
La formation des sols
La préparation des sols pour l'agriculture dans le contexte concret des Monts d'Or
Social organisation
time table
The choice for Residential Life
Our schedule is wished to follow the specific needs of adolescence :
A complete part in the care taken to the environment through daily responsibilities and weekly community work
Responsibilities taken in the construction of a supportive social life through preparation of daily meals and active participation to weekly community meetings
The development of their economic independence through a work of production that enhances their management and manual skills, and develops their creativity
With this goal in mind the conventional study time is far from enough. The timetable above shows to which extent the informal moments before 9am and after 5pm bring to the adolescent's individual and social growth. The cozy evenings and (sometimes foggy) breakfast times are key in the social bounding of a community.
The choice of the residential life is nothing trivial, and is rather an essential part of the prepared environment for the adolescents.
pas du temps libre!
Sur ces plages horaires spécifiques, l'adolescent choisit son travail : recherches personnelles, préparation du séminaire de langage ou de mathématiques hebdomadaire, des discussions scientifiques, présentations en langage, mathématiques, travail sur une notion spécifique, expérience en lien avec les recherches en cours...
Une grande différence avec les structures classiques est l'organisation du travail en temps long (et non segmenté en périodes de 50 minutes). Cela permet de plonger dans un sujet, avoir le temps de se concentrer réellement et durablement, s'engager dans son travail, faire le lien entre les notions clés de la culture (transversalité) et avoir un temps dédié aux travaux pratiques afin d'appréhender les aspect concret de la culture. L'organisation de la vie sociale dans la communauté est une opportunité pour la division du travail et la coopération.
Au Centre d'Etudes et de Travaux Montessori, chaque adolescent est responsable, à tour de rôle, des tâches de la vie quotidienne : préparation des menus, des repas, gestion du budget, soin de l'environnement. L'adolescent peut ainsi développer son autonomie dans tous les aspects de la vie quotidienne et cheminer vers son indépendance de futur adulte.
Respect, bienveillance sont des concepts "tendance" revendiqués par beaucoup. Mais faute de temps et face à des classes surchargées, ces bonnes intentions de départ ne résistent pas toujours aux contraintes du quotidien. Au Centre d'Etudes et de Travaux Montessori, ces valeurs ne sont pas des vains mots :
Les exigences académiques ne sont pas dissociées des valeurs humaines. Ceci est rendu possible par des effectifs à taille réduite et un accès proche et immédiat à l'adulte référent.