Manuel PENIN
Educateur Montessori A.M.I. 12-18 ans
I am an AMI Montessori educator for adolescents (Montessori Orientation, Centre for Work and Study, Sweden, 2018). Doctor in literature, thesis author in Slavic Studies on the question of identity and cultural transfer (2007), teacher in secondary school from 2008 to 2020. I have a bachelor in English, a diploma in General Musical Training, I have also been trained in NVC by C. Schmider. I have translated several contemporary Russian writings about education for adolescents.
What has struck me from scratch as a teacher is the constructive vigour of adolescents and the necessity we apply to it an adequate answer. Father of two children who attended Montessori education, I have worked for the creation of an Adolescent Community since 2009.
I keep close to my heart the wish that our work will lead to a fully prepared environment for the adolescents, following Dr. Maria Montessori's educative vision. This vision is what our team and the entire school strive to reach.
12-18 AMI
Montessori Educator
Je possède le diplôme AMI Montessori 12-18 ans et 3-6 ans. Ayant pris part à la formation 6-12 ans, j'ai développé une grande compréhension de tous les plans de développement de l'enfant. J'ai mené avec succès différents groupes de jeunes chez les plus jeunes enfants et les adolescents lors de mes expériences pratiques de formation.
J'étais par le passé un membre d'équipage en avion de ligne, puis fus formatrice auprès de jeunes intéressés par le domaine de l'aviation. j'ai la fibre artistique dans toutes les activités que je mène avec les étudiants. Mes centres d'intérêts sont liés au travail manuel - tel l'art, la broderie et la cuisine. Je leur apporte une touche supplémentaire, telle une ouverture dans leur quête vers l'indépendance et l'exploration de leur vocation.
Je crois que - Un environnement préparé et un esprit ouvert peuvent mener à un développement global et complet de l'Humanité.
Educateur Montessori A.M.I. 12-18 ans
Loving games since my childhood, I have progressively built myself around three pillars: sports, education and ecology.
With time I begin to know my strengths and weaknesses, and hope to use that knowledge of myself to serve and help people around me discovering their own talents and to develop fully. Observation and a sense for listening and laughing are my favourite tools in order to achieve this goal, and they find themselves boosted when I am in contact with Nature !
Who are the adolescents in our community?
Who is our establishment meant for?
Our Centre for Study and Work welcomes youth from 12 to 18 years old:
- from a Montessori education background
- from Middle and High Schools where they do not flourish in a "classical" system
The adolescent's profile
- Our Montessori Centre for Study and Work accompanies young people towards autonomy and strives to make abstract concepts concrete. Our way of working appeals to motivated and curious adolescents who have a need to understand what they are learning.
_ Youth who are passionate by specific subjects (astronomy, botany, history, zoology ...) are provided a study time for their individual research, allowing them to deepen their knowledge. This knowledge is then shared and becomes part of the community.
Students with "dys" troubles:
The pedagogy developed by Dr. Montessori approaches written expression differently from the usual education institutions, rather, this approach is concrete and cross-cultural, with a large part due to experimentation. The particularities of learning is found in an environment that favorizes the pursuit of ownership. Furthemore, the adolescents concerned can certainly use their personal tools to help them (computer, scannerpen, etc ...).
However, our Centre for Study and Work should not be considered as a specialized establishment. We can receive adolescents who have learning particularities (or "dys") with the same ratio as ordinary schools. We do not propose specific individual accompaniement or do we substitute ourselves with the care of specialists.
Our partnerships:
Communauté Adolescente Montessori Francophonie
The CAMF is an association which goal is to promote Montessori pedagogy for the adolescents. It proposes meetings for trained adults and develops a network of French and international communities.
Les Pouces Vert, adaolescent community dwelling in Mouans-Sartoux, with whom we do ponctual student-exchanges. The adolescents from our two communities also engage into epistolary exchanges throughout the year.
The Montessori secondary school of Gaillac, which community our adolescents are in exchanges throughout the year.
A Centre for Work and Study
"An experimental school for social life"
(Maria Montessori, From Childhood to Adolescence)